I've never seen a Chief Judge work this hard to prevent their colleague from dissenting and getting affirmed by the Supreme Court again. Kind of impressive.
* Texas AG Ken Paxton acquitted in his impeachment trial, which as a reminder was brought by the Republicans in the Texas House. [Texas Tribune]
* Don't let the Clarence and Sam ethical quagmire distract from the other important legal reporting coming out of ProPublica. Like this deep dive into how Mississippi deals with poor defendants. [ProPublica]
* While her fellow judges engage in an end run around the Constitution to sideline Judge Pauline Newman citing a decline in mental faculties (which a leading neurologist disputes... but obviously judges understand neurology better than neurologists), she regaled a conference with her take on patent issues surrounding vaccine development. [Reuters]
* Trouble in wingnut paradise? Doctor Jenna Ellis turns on Donald Trump. [The Guardian]
* Biglaw is hemorrhaging support staff. [American Lawyer]
* T.I. headed back to court with his IP case against a doll manufacturer now that the Supreme Court futzed with IP standards in the dog toy case. [Law360]
* Banks tell CFPB that there's no reason to have separate standards for "medical credit cards" aimed at patients trying to not go bankrupt under the American health care system because they're really not any different than regular credit cards... despite being named "medical credit cards," marketed toward a uniquely desperate population, and having totally different policies. [Bloomberg Law News]
* Alabama's open defiance of the Supreme Court's election law ruling sets up a potential return trip to DC, with Republicans hoping they can flip Brett Kavanaugh this time. A new leak -- which we'll also never get to the bottom of -- suggests Kavanaugh's original vote was the product of lengthy negotiations with John Roberts. Is Roberts leaking this to shame Kavanaugh into remaining consistent... or is Alito leaking this to call Kavanaugh a cuck for respecting the Voting Rights Act? Both good guesses! [CNN]
* Speaking of Kavanaugh, he says that being a judge is like being an umpire. Though for colleagues like Thomas and Alito it seems to be more like being an NBA referee. Specifically Tim Donaghy. [Law360]
* Data privacy is a massive battleground for future legal tussles, but law schools are more interested in maintaining courses on who controls a whale carcass under admiralty law to bother teaching about data. [Legaltech News]
* Judge Pauline Newman releases her medical tests as the Federal Circuit continues its unconstitutional power grab to force her off the bench. Again, the judiciary should have term limits, but until it does this is a matter for the legislative branch. [Bloomberg Law News]
* In "dog bites man" news, Peter Navarro convicted on contempt of Congress charges. [Reuters]
* Eversheds lawyer apparently punched a banker for using a slur. This is toward the top of the lengthy list of reasons to punch bankers. [Roll on Friday]